ERB Lost Battle

Everybody loves epic rap battles of history. Right? You know! The guys with 8,911,195 on youtube? Well I was derping around on the original channel where they were posted aka "Nice Peter" and I stumbeled across one called "Satan vs Jesus ERB 666" I thought "That much already?" I clicked on it and the normal voice and logo came up. Except when Satan popped up on the character showcase scene the video became jumbeled for a split-second then it went to the battle. Satan's lyrics were this (Sorry it doesn't rhyme cause this is a trollpasta right?) "Hey you mother holy bitch! My name is satan and i'm gonna kick you christan ass like spaghetti! Your own father's creatures killed you like "Die mofo!" I see those minions of mine are watching...DEATH TO ALL!" Jesus's lyrics I just can't say. The video ended right after jesus's second rap. Nothing happened. Just nothing. Though I had nightmares for several days. So there is your plot twist. Nothing happened after the video.